Apply parameters shift rules to train quantum model using TorchQuantum.#

torchquantum Logo

Tutorial Author: Zirui Li, Hanrui Wang

###Outline 1. Introduction to Parameters Shift Rules. 2. Train a model with parameters shift rules. 3. A simple 2 qubit model for a simple 2 classification task.

In this tutorial, you can learn parameters shift rules and how to use parameters shift rules to calculate gradients and use the gradient to train a model.

##Introduction to Parameters Shift Rules

###Back Propagation

Previously, our quantum model was based on qiskit and pytorch. Once we did an inference of the model, pytorch will automatically build a computaional graph. We can calculate the gradients of each node in the computational graph in a reversed order based on the chain rule. This is called back propagation.


###Parameters Shift Rules

As we all know, when executing a quantum circuit on a real quantum machine, we can not observe the intermdiate quantum state. So, back propagation to calculate gradients are impossible when our circuits run on real quantum machines. Parameters shift rules offer us a technique to calculate gradients only by doing inference. For a circuit function \(f(\theta)\), we can calculate \(f'(\theta)\) by shifting \(\theta\) twice and minus one result by the other and multiply with a factor. The figure below describes the workflow of how to calculate the gradient of a parameter in a 4-qubit circuit.


Suppose an \(m\)-qubit quantum circuit is parametrized by \(n\) parameters \(\theta=[\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_i,\cdots,\theta_n]\), the expectation value of measures of this circuit can be represented by a circuit function,

\[f(\theta)=\langle\psi|U(\theta_i)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}U(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle, \quad f(\theta)\in\mathbb{R}^{m}, \theta\in\mathbb{R}^n.\]

where \(\theta_i\) is the scalar parameter whose gradient is to be calculated, and \(U(\theta_i)\) is the gate where \(\theta_i\) lies in.

Here, for notation simplicity, we have already absorbed the unitaries before \(U(\theta_i)\) into \(\langle\psi|\), \(|\psi\rangle\). Unitaries after \(U(\theta_i)\) and observables are fused into \(\widehat{Q}\).

Usually, the rotation gates used in QNN can be written in the form \(U(\theta_i)=e^{-\frac{i}{2}\theta_i H}\). Here \(H\) is the Hermitian generator of \(U\) with only 2 unique eigenvalues +1 and -1.

In this way, the gradients of the circuit function \(f\) with respect to \(\theta_i\) are,

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\frac{\partial f(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i}=\frac{1}{2}\Big(f\big(\theta_+\big)-f\big(\theta_{-}\big)\Big), \\ &\theta_+=[\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_i+\frac{\pi}{2},\cdots,\theta_n], \theta_{-}=[\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_i-\frac{\pi}{2},\cdots,\theta_n], \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

where \(\theta_+\) and \(\theta_{-}\) are the positive shift and negative shift of \(\theta\).

Note that this parameter shift rule is fundamentally different from any numerical difference methods that only approximate the directional derivatives. Instead, the equation calculates the exact gradient w.r.t \(\theta_i\) without any approximation errors or numerical issues.

We apply \(\text{softmax}\) on \(f(\theta)\) as the predicted probability for each class. Then we calculate the cross entropy between the predicted probability distribution \(p\) and the target distribution \(t\) as the classification loss \(\mathcal{L}\),

\[\mathcal{L}(\theta)=-t^T\cdot\texttt{softmax}(f(\theta))=-\sum_{j=1}^m t_j \log{p_j},\quad p_j=\frac{e^{f_j(\theta)}}{\sum_{j=1}^m e^{f_j(\theta)}}.\]

Then the gradient of the loss function with respect to \(\theta_i\) is \(\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i}=\big(\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial f(\theta)}\big)^T\frac{\partial f(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i}\).

Here \(\frac{\partial f(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i}\) can be calculated on real quantum computer by the parameter shift rules, and \(\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial f(\theta)}\) can be efficiently calculated on classical devices using backpropagation supported by automatic differentiation frameworks, e.g., PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Now we derive the parameter shift rules used in our QNN models.

Assume \(U(\theta_i)=R_X(\theta_i),R_X(\alpha)=e^{-\frac{i}{2}\alpha X}\), where \(X\) is the Pauli-X matrix.

Firstly, the RX gate is,

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} R_X(\alpha)&=e^{-\frac{i}{2}\alpha X}=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(-i\alpha/2)^kX^k/k!\\ &=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(-i\alpha/2)^{2k}X^{2k}/(2k)!+\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(-i\alpha/2)^{2k+1}X^{2k+1}/(2k+1)!\\ &=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(-1)^k(\alpha/2)^{2k}I/(2k)!-i\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(-1)^k(\alpha/2)^{2k+1}X/(2k+1)!\\ &=\cos(\alpha/2)I-i\sin(\alpha/2)X. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Let \(\alpha=\frac{\pi}{2}\), \(R_X(\pm\frac{\pi}{2})=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(I\mp iX)\).

As \(f(\theta)=\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle\), \(R_X(\alpha)R_X(\beta)=R_X(\alpha+\beta)\), and \(\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}R_X(\alpha)=-\frac{i}{2}XR_X(\alpha)\), we have

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial f(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i} % &=\langle\psi|\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_i}R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle+\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dag}\widehat{Q}\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_i}R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle\\ =&\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}(-\frac{i}{2}X)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle+\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}(-\frac{i}{2}X)R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle\\ % &=\frac{1}{2}(\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}(-iX)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle+\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}(-iX)R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle)\\ =&\frac{1}{4}(\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}(I-iX)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}(I-iX)R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle\\&-\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}(I+iX)^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}(I+iX)R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle)\\ =&\frac{1}{2}(\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}R_X(\frac{\pi}{2})^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(\frac{\pi}{2})R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle\\&-\langle\psi|R_X(\theta_i)^{\dagger}R_X(-\frac{\pi}{2})^{\dagger}\widehat{Q}R_X(-\frac{\pi}{2})R_X(\theta_i)|\psi\rangle)\\ =&\frac{1}{2}(f(\theta_+)-f(\theta_-)). \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Without loss of generality, the derivation holds for all unitaries of the form \(e^{-\frac{i}{2}\alpha H}\), e.g., RX, RY, RZ, XX, YY, ZZ, where \(H\) is a Hermitian matrix with only 2 unique eigenvalues +1 and -1.

##Train a model with parameters shift rules

###Installation Firstly, install qiskit.

[ ]:
!pip install qiskit==0.32.1
Collecting qiskit==0.32.1
  Downloading qiskit-0.32.1.tar.gz (13 kB)
Collecting qiskit-terra==0.18.3
  Downloading qiskit_terra-0.18.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (6.1 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 6.1 MB 7.5 MB/s
Collecting qiskit-aer==0.9.1
  Downloading qiskit_aer-0.9.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (17.9 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 17.9 MB 565 kB/s
Collecting qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1
  Downloading qiskit_ibmq_provider-0.18.1-py3-none-any.whl (237 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 237 kB 47.9 MB/s
Collecting qiskit-ignis==0.6.0
  Downloading qiskit_ignis-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (207 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 207 kB 51.1 MB/s
Collecting qiskit-aqua==0.9.5
  Downloading qiskit_aqua-0.9.5-py3-none-any.whl (2.1 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 2.1 MB 40.3 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.16.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aer==0.9.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.21.5)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aer==0.9.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.4.1)
Collecting quandl
  Downloading Quandl-3.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=40.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (57.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fastdtw<=0.3.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.3.5)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn>=0.20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.0.2)
Collecting docplex>=2.21.207
  Downloading docplex-2.22.213.tar.gz (634 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 634 kB 49.0 MB/s
Collecting dlx<=1.0.4
  Downloading dlx-1.0.4.tar.gz (5.5 kB)
Collecting yfinance>=0.1.62
  Downloading yfinance-0.1.70-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: h5py<3.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (3.1.0)
Collecting retworkx>=0.8.0
  Downloading retworkx-0.11.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (1.6 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 1.6 MB 45.4 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: psutil>=5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (5.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.24.3)
Collecting websocket-client>=1.0.1
  Downloading websocket_client-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (54 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 54 kB 2.7 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2.23.0)
Collecting requests-ntlm>=1.1.0
  Downloading requests_ntlm-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.7 kB)
Collecting symengine>0.7
  Downloading symengine-0.9.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (37.5 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 37.5 MB 1.3 MB/s
Collecting fastjsonschema>=2.10
  Downloading fastjsonschema-2.15.3-py3-none-any.whl (22 kB)
Collecting python-constraint>=1.4
  Downloading python-constraint-1.4.0.tar.bz2 (18 kB)
Collecting ply>=3.10
  Downloading ply-3.11-py2.py3-none-any.whl (49 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 49 kB 5.5 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=2.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (4.3.3)
Collecting tweedledum<2.0,>=1.1
  Downloading tweedledum-1.1.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (943 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 943 kB 43.9 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: dill>=0.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from docplex>=2.21.207->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cached-property in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from h5py<3.3.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources>=1.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (5.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent!=0.17.0,!=0.17.1,!=0.17.2,>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (0.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (4.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (21.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=3.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from importlib-resources>=1.4.0->jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit==0.32.1) (3.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2021.10.8)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (3.0.4)
Collecting cryptography>=1.3
  Downloading cryptography-36.0.1-cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl (3.6 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 3.6 MB 44.8 MB/s
Collecting ntlm-auth>=1.0.2
  Downloading ntlm_auth-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (29 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from cryptography>=1.3->requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=1.3->requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2.21)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.20.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (3.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=0.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.20.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sympy>=1.3->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (1.2.1)
Collecting requests>=2.19
  Downloading requests-2.27.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (63 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 63 kB 1.8 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: multitasking>=0.0.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from yfinance>=0.1.62->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (0.0.10)
Collecting lxml>=4.5.1
  Downloading lxml-4.8.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl (6.4 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 6.4 MB 20.2 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (2018.9)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit==0.32.1) (2.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: more-itertools in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from quandl->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit==0.32.1) (8.12.0)
Collecting inflection>=0.3.1
  Downloading inflection-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.5 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: qiskit, dlx, docplex, python-constraint
  Building wheel for qiskit ( ... done
  Created wheel for qiskit: filename=qiskit-0.32.1-py3-none-any.whl size=11777 sha256=c8dd0aa33407d766de6e21a79c560a28d3aaed47ab5efde37ac60f61f0fc3275
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/0f/62/0a/c53eda1ead41c137c47c9730bc2771a8367b1ce00fb64e8cc6
  Building wheel for dlx ( ... done
  Created wheel for dlx: filename=dlx-1.0.4-py3-none-any.whl size=5718 sha256=88e879a69472bf6f871793f7a320337f70c30e734a308266be28dd0b5eb1d388
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/78/55/c8/dc61e772445a566b7608a476d151e9dcaf4e092b01b0c4bc3c
  Building wheel for docplex ( ... done
  Created wheel for docplex: filename=docplex-2.22.213-py3-none-any.whl size=696882 sha256=8a296841fded71c4005ec13d2237a5fcd0dc925f2debdbb6d9198745aa27fd30
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/90/69/6b/1375c68a5b7ff94c40263b151c86f58bd72200bf0c465b5ba3
  Building wheel for python-constraint ( ... done
  Created wheel for python-constraint: filename=python_constraint-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=24081 sha256=1e63dc909ecdff23baaaf9c6950a9f43558f4cbfddb001c3cb6eae6209ba594c
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/07/27/db/1222c80eb1e431f3d2199c12569cb1cac60f562a451fe30479
Successfully built qiskit dlx docplex python-constraint
Installing collected packages: tweedledum, symengine, retworkx, python-constraint, ply, fastjsonschema, requests, qiskit-terra, ntlm-auth, lxml, inflection, cryptography, yfinance, websocket-client, requests-ntlm, quandl, qiskit-ignis, docplex, dlx, qiskit-ibmq-provider, qiskit-aqua, qiskit-aer, qiskit
  Attempting uninstall: requests
    Found existing installation: requests 2.23.0
    Uninstalling requests-2.23.0:
      Successfully uninstalled requests-2.23.0
  Attempting uninstall: lxml
    Found existing installation: lxml 4.2.6
    Uninstalling lxml-4.2.6:
      Successfully uninstalled lxml-4.2.6
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
google-colab 1.0.0 requires requests~=2.23.0, but you have requests 2.27.1 which is incompatible.
datascience 0.10.6 requires folium==0.2.1, but you have folium 0.8.3 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed cryptography-36.0.1 dlx-1.0.4 docplex-2.22.213 fastjsonschema-2.15.3 inflection-0.5.1 lxml-4.8.0 ntlm-auth-1.5.0 ply-3.11 python-constraint-1.4.0 qiskit-0.32.1 qiskit-aer-0.9.1 qiskit-aqua-0.9.5 qiskit-ibmq-provider-0.18.1 qiskit-ignis-0.6.0 qiskit-terra-0.18.3 quandl-3.7.0 requests-2.27.1 requests-ntlm-1.1.0 retworkx-0.11.0 symengine-0.9.0 tweedledum-1.1.1 websocket-client-1.3.1 yfinance-0.1.70

Download and cd to the repo.

[ ]:
!git clone
Cloning into 'torchquantum'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10900, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7692/7692), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3901/3901), done.
remote: Total 10900 (delta 3851), reused 7185 (delta 3382), pack-reused 3208
Receiving objects: 100% (10900/10900), 5.19 MiB | 16.99 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5818/5818), done.
[ ]:
%cd torchquantum

Install torch-quantum.

[ ]:
!pip install --editable .
Obtaining file:///content/torchquantum
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.19.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.21.5)
Requirement already satisfied: torchvision>=0.9.0.dev20210130 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.11.1+cu111)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.56.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.62.3)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=52.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (57.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.10.0+cu111)
Collecting torchpack>=0.3.0
  Downloading torchpack-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (34 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit>=0.32.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.32.1)
Collecting matplotlib>=3.3.2
  Downloading matplotlib-3.5.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl (11.2 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 11.2 MB 12.1 MB/s
Collecting pathos>=0.2.7
  Downloading pathos-0.2.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (81 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 81 kB 10.9 MB/s
Collecting fonttools>=4.22.0
  Downloading fonttools-4.29.1-py3-none-any.whl (895 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 895 kB 45.1 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (21.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.2->torchquantum==0.1.0) (7.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: multiprocess>=0.70.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pathos>=0.2.7->torchquantum==0.1.0) (
Collecting ppft>=
  Downloading ppft- (65 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 65 kB 3.5 MB/s
Collecting pox>=0.3.0
  Downloading pox-0.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (30 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: dill>=0.3.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pathos>=0.2.7->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.7.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from ppft>=>pathos>=0.2.7->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit-terra==0.18.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.18.3)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit-aqua==0.9.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.9.5)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit-ignis==0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: qiskit-aer==0.9.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aer==0.9.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: yfinance>=0.1.62 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.1.70)
Requirement already satisfied: dlx<=1.0.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: retworkx>=0.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fastdtw<=0.3.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: h5py<3.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn>=0.20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: quandl in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: docplex>=2.21.207 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.22.213)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil>=5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (5.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.3.5)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests-ntlm>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.27.1)
Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fastjsonschema>=2.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.15.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ply>=3.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.11)
Requirement already satisfied: python-constraint>=1.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=2.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: symengine>0.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tweedledum<2.0,>=1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cached-property in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from h5py<3.3.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources>=1.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (5.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (21.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (
Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent!=0.17.0,!=0.17.1,!=0.17.2,>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=3.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from importlib-resources>=1.4.0->jsonschema>=2.6->qiskit-terra==0.18.3->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2021.10.8)
Requirement already satisfied: cryptography>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (36.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ntlm-auth>=1.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from cryptography>=1.3->requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=1.3->requests-ntlm>=1.1.0->qiskit-ibmq-provider==0.18.1->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.21)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=0.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.20.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.20.0->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sympy>=1.3->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.13)
Collecting loguru
  Downloading loguru-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (58 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 58 kB 1.6 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2.8.0)
Collecting tensorpack
  Downloading tensorpack-0.11-py2.py3-none-any.whl (296 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 296 kB 3.6 MB/s
Collecting multimethod
  Downloading multimethod-1.7-py3-none-any.whl (9.5 kB)
Collecting toml
  Downloading toml-0.10.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: lxml>=4.5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from yfinance>=0.1.62->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: multitasking>=0.0.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from yfinance>=0.1.62->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (2018.9)
Requirement already satisfied: more-itertools in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from quandl->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (8.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: inflection>=0.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from quandl->qiskit-aqua==0.9.5->qiskit>=0.32.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.26 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.37.1)
Requirement already satisfied: google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard-data-server<0.7.0,>=0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.17.3)
Requirement already satisfied: google-auth<3,>=1.6.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.35.0)
Requirement already satisfied: werkzeug>=0.11.15 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: grpcio>=1.24.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.44.0)
Requirement already satisfied: absl-py>=0.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard-plugin-wit>=1.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown>=2.6.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.3.6)
Requirement already satisfied: cachetools<5.0,>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: rsa<5,>=3.1.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.2.8)
Requirement already satisfied: requests-oauthlib>=0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1<0.5.0,>=0.4.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1->google-auth<3,>=1.6.3->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: oauthlib>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-oauthlib>=0.7.0->google-auth-oauthlib<0.5,>=0.4.1->tensorboard->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (3.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: msgpack>=0.5.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorpack->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: tabulate>=0.7.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorpack->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (0.8.9)
Collecting msgpack-numpy>=
  Downloading msgpack_numpy- (6.7 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: pyzmq>=16 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorpack->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (22.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: termcolor>=1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from tensorpack->torchpack>=0.3.0->torchquantum==0.1.0) (1.1.0)
Installing collected packages: msgpack-numpy, toml, tensorpack, ppft, pox, multimethod, loguru, fonttools, torchpack, pathos, matplotlib, torchquantum
  Attempting uninstall: matplotlib
    Found existing installation: matplotlib 3.2.2
    Uninstalling matplotlib-3.2.2:
      Successfully uninstalled matplotlib-3.2.2
  Running develop for torchquantum
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
albumentations 0.1.12 requires imgaug<0.2.7,>=0.2.5, but you have imgaug 0.2.9 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed fonttools-4.29.1 loguru-0.6.0 matplotlib-3.5.1 msgpack-numpy- multimethod-1.7 pathos-0.2.8 pox-0.3.0 ppft- tensorpack-0.11 toml-0.10.2 torchpack-0.3.1 torchquantum-0.1.0

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.colab-display-data+json

Change PYTHONPATH and install other packages.

[ ]:

Run the following code to store a qiskit token. You can replace it with your own token from your IBMQ account if you like.

[ ]:
from qiskit import IBMQ
IBMQ.save_account('51a2a5d55d3e1d9683ab4f135fe6fbb84ecf3221765e19adb408699d43c6eaa238265059c3c2955ba59328634ffbd88ba14d5386c947d22eb9a826e40811d626', overwrite=True)
[ ]:
!pip install matplotlib==3.1.3
Collecting matplotlib==3.1.3
  Downloading matplotlib-3.1.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (13.1 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 13.1 MB 6.1 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib==3.1.3) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib==3.1.3) (1.21.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib==3.1.3) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib==3.1.3) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib==3.1.3) (3.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.1->matplotlib==3.1.3) (1.15.0)
Installing collected packages: matplotlib
  Attempting uninstall: matplotlib
    Found existing installation: matplotlib 3.5.1
    Uninstalling matplotlib-3.5.1:
      Successfully uninstalled matplotlib-3.5.1
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
torchquantum 0.1.0 requires matplotlib>=3.3.2, but you have matplotlib 3.1.3 which is incompatible.
albumentations 0.1.12 requires imgaug<0.2.7,>=0.2.5, but you have imgaug 0.2.9 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed matplotlib-3.1.3

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.colab-display-data+json

[ ]:
!ls artifact  example2  example4  example6
example1       example3  example5  example7
[ ]:
!cp artifact/ ../../usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/qiskit/providers/aer/backends/ -r
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np

import torchquantum as tq
import torchquantum.functional as tqf
from torchquantum.layer.layers import SethLayer0

from torchquantum.dataset import MNIST
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR

Build a quantum model#

Our 4-qubit quantum model contains an encoder that can encode a 4x4 image to quantum state; a quantum layer RZZ+RY+RZZ+RY, 16 parameters in total; and PauliZ measure on each qubit.

class QFCModel(tq.QuantumModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.n_wires = 4
        self.encoder = tq.GeneralEncoder(

        self.arch = {'n_wires': self.n_wires, 'n_blocks': 2, 'n_layers_per_block': 2}
        self.q_layer = SethLayer0(self.arch)

        self.measure = tq.MeasureAll(tq.PauliZ)

    def forward(self, x, use_qiskit=False):
        bsz = x.shape[0]
        q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires, bsz=bsz)
        x = F.avg_pool2d(x, 6).view(bsz, 16)

        if use_qiskit:
            x = self.qiskit_processor.process_parameterized(
                q_device, self.encoder, self.q_layer, self.measure, x)
            self.encoder(q_device, x)
            x = self.measure(q_device)

        x = x.reshape(bsz, 4)

        return x

Build the function of parameters shift rules#

The function can shift the parameters and calculate the gradients to the expectation value of each measure for each parameter. It returns both the expectaion values and the gradient for each parameter.

def shift_and_run(model, inputs, use_qiskit=False):
    param_list = []
    for param in model.parameters():
    grad_list = []
    for param in param_list:
        param.copy_(param + np.pi * 0.5)
        out1 = model(inputs, use_qiskit)
        param.copy_(param - np.pi)
        out2 = model(inputs, use_qiskit)
        param.copy_(param + np.pi * 0.5)
        grad = 0.5 * (out1 - out2)
    return model(inputs, use_qiskit), grad_list

Set whether using gpu, using cuda, number of epochs, optimizer and scheduler. Initialize the model and the MNIST-36 classification dataset.

use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
model = QFCModel().to(device)
n_epochs = 15
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-3, weight_decay=1e-4)
scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=n_epochs)

dataset = MNIST(
    train_valid_split_ratio=[0.9, 0.1],
    digits_of_interest=[3, 6],

dataflow = dict()
for split in dataset:
    sampler =[split])
    dataflow[split] =
[2023-09-12 07:53:28.866] Only use the front 5000 images as TRAIN set.
[2023-09-12 07:53:28.966] Only use the front 3000 images as TEST set.

###Train the model.

During each training step, we calculated the gradients twice. First we use back propagation and second we use parameters shift rules.

grads_bp = []
grads_ps = []

def train_and_return_grad(dataflow, model, device, optimizer):
    for feed_dict in dataflow['train']:
        inputs = feed_dict['image'].to(device)
        targets = feed_dict['digit'].to(device)

        # calculate gradients via back propagation
        outputs = model(inputs)
        prediction = outputs.reshape(-1, 2, 2).sum(-1).squeeze()
        loss = F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(prediction, dim=1), targets)
        grad_bp = []
        for i, param in enumerate(model.q_layer.parameters()):

        # calculate gradients via parameters shift rules
        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs, grad_list = shift_and_run(model, inputs)
        prediction = outputs.reshape(-1, 2, 2).sum(-1).squeeze()
        loss = F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(prediction, dim=1), targets)
        grad_ps = []
        for i, param in enumerate(model.q_layer.parameters()):
            param.grad = torch.sum(grad_list[i] * outputs.grad).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=param.device).view(param.shape)

        print(f"loss: {loss.item()}", end='\r')

def valid_test(dataflow, split, model, device, qiskit=False):
    target_all = []
    output_all = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        for feed_dict in dataflow[split]:
            inputs = feed_dict['image'].to(device)
            targets = feed_dict['digit'].to(device)

            outputs = model(inputs, use_qiskit=qiskit)
            prediction = F.log_softmax(outputs.reshape(-1, 2, 2).sum(-1).squeeze(), dim=1)

        target_all =, dim=0)
        output_all =, dim=0)

    _, indices = output_all.topk(1, dim=1)
    masks = indices.eq(target_all.view(-1, 1).expand_as(indices))
    size = target_all.shape[0]
    corrects = masks.sum().item()
    accuracy = corrects / size
    loss = F.nll_loss(output_all, target_all).item()

    print(f"{split} set accuracy: {accuracy}")
    print(f"{split} set loss: {loss}")

for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1):
    # train
    print(f"Epoch {epoch}:")
    train_and_return_grad(dataflow, model, device, optimizer)
    # valid
    valid_test(dataflow, 'valid', model, device)

# test
valid_test(dataflow, 'test', model, device, qiskit=False)
Epoch 1:
0.005 0.9950294494628906
valid set accuracy: 0.3219917012448133
valid set loss: 0.8985593914985657
Epoch 2:
valid set accuracy: 0.36016597510373444
valid set loss: 0.8457769155502319
Epoch 3:
valid set accuracy: 0.4464730290456432
valid set loss: 0.792057454586029
Epoch 4:
valid set accuracy: 0.537759336099585
valid set loss: 0.7392197251319885
Epoch 5:
valid set accuracy: 0.5892116182572614
valid set loss: 0.6949657797813416
Epoch 6:
valid set accuracy: 0.6190871369294606
valid set loss: 0.6624241471290588
Epoch 7:
valid set accuracy: 0.6423236514522822
valid set loss: 0.6419368386268616
Epoch 8:
valid set accuracy: 0.6572614107883817
valid set loss: 0.629072368144989
Epoch 9:
valid set accuracy: 0.6697095435684647
valid set loss: 0.620841920375824
Epoch 10:
valid set accuracy: 0.6730290456431536
valid set loss: 0.6155759692192078
Epoch 11:
valid set accuracy: 0.6771784232365146
valid set loss: 0.6119210124015808
Epoch 12:
valid set accuracy: 0.6796680497925311
valid set loss: 0.6096568703651428
Epoch 13:
valid set accuracy: 0.6804979253112033
valid set loss: 0.6084039807319641
Epoch 14:
valid set accuracy: 0.6821576763485477
valid set loss: 0.6078216433525085
Epoch 15:
valid set accuracy: 0.6821576763485477
valid set loss: 0.607674777507782
test set accuracy: 0.720020325203252
test set loss: 0.5852651000022888

Plot and compare the gradients#

We have recorded two sets of gradients calculated by back propagation and parameters shift rules respectively. Now let’s plot these gradients and we can valid that the gradients calculated by parameters shift rules are exactly the same as those calculated by back propagation.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib

grads_bp = np.array(grads_bp)
grads_ps = np.array(grads_ps)

n_steps = grads_bp.shape[0]
n_params = grads_bp.shape[1]

fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(n_params, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 2 * n_params))

for i, ax in enumerate(ax_list):
  ax.plot(grads_bp[:, i], c="#1f77b4", label="back propagation")
  ax.scatter(range(n_steps), grads_ps[:, i], c="#ff7f0e", marker="^", label="parameters shift")
  ax.set_ylabel("grad of param{0}".format(i))
  ax.axhline(color='black', lw=0.5)



A simple 2 qubit model for a simple 2 classification task#

Firstly we create a dataset. The dataset is a simple 2 classification dataset from Jiang et al. (2020).


[ ]:
from torchpack.datasets.dataset import Dataset

class Classification2Dataset(
    def __init__(self, num=11): = [] = []
        sum0 = 0
        sum1 = 0
        for x in np.linspace(0, 1, num=num):
            for y in np.linspace(0, 1, num=num):
      [x, y]))
                if (x**2 + y**2 <= 0.55**2 or (x-1)**2 + (y-1)**2 <= 0.55**2):
                    sum1 = sum1 + 1
                    sum0 = sum0 + 1

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return {'data':[idx], 'target':[idx]}

    def __len__(self):
        return len( - 1

class Simple2Class(Dataset):
    def __init__(self):
        train_dataset = Classification2Dataset()
        valid_dataset = Classification2Dataset(num=10)
        datasets = {'train': train_dataset, 'valid': valid_dataset, 'test': valid_dataset}

Then we create our quantum circuit


The circuit only contains three trainable parameters. When executing the model, we firstly transform the input (x, y) to the phase \(\arcsin(\sqrt{x+y-xy})\) and feed the phase to an RY gate. This is the encoding. After the ansatz, the 2 expectation values from 2 measures are the circuit outputs. Outside the circuit, we add a logsoftmax function to the output and get the predictions of each class.

[ ]:
class Q2Model(tq.QuantumModule):
    class Ansatz(tq.QuantumModule):
        def __init__(self):
            self.n_wires = 2
            self.op1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
            self.op2 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
            self.op3 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
            self.op4 = tq.CNOT(has_params=False, trainable=False)

        def forward(self, q_device: tq.QuantumDevice):
            self.q_device = q_device
            self.op1(self.q_device, wires=0)
            self.op2(self.q_device, wires=1)
            self.op3(self.q_device, wires=0)
            self.op4(self.q_device, wires=[0, 1])

    def __init__(self):
        self.n_wires = 2
        self.q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires)
        self.encoder = tq.GeneralEncoder([{'input_idx': [0], 'func': 'ry', 'wires': [0]}])

        self.ansatz = self.Ansatz()

        self.measure = tq.MeasureAll(tq.PauliZ)

    def forward(self, x, use_qiskit=False):
        bsz = x.shape[0]
        data = 2 * torch.arcsin(torch.sqrt(x[:, 0] + x[:, 1] - 2 * x[:, 0] * x[:, 1])).reshape(bsz, 1)

        if use_qiskit:
            data = self.qiskit_processor.process_parameterized(
                self.q_device, self.encoder, self.ansatz, self.measure, data)
            self.encoder(self.q_device, data)
            data = self.measure(self.q_device)

        data = data.reshape(bsz, 2)

        return data

Load the dataset.

[ ]:
dataset = Simple2Class()
dataflow = dict()
for split in dataset:
    sampler =[split])
    dataflow[split] =
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/ UserWarning: This DataLoader will create 8 worker processes in total. Our suggested max number of worker in current system is 2, which is smaller than what this DataLoader is going to create. Please be aware that excessive worker creation might get DataLoader running slow or even freeze, lower the worker number to avoid potential slowness/freeze if necessary.

Define train and valid function. The model is a 2-qubit model so there is a slightly difference to the process of the circuit output.

[ ]:
def train_2qubit(dataflow, model, device, optimizer, qiskit=False, input_name = 'data', target_name = 'target'):
    for feed_dict in dataflow['train']:
        inputs = feed_dict[input_name].to(device)
        targets = feed_dict[target_name].to(device)

        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs, grad_list = shift_and_run(model, inputs, use_qiskit=qiskit)
        prediction = F.log_softmax(outputs, dim=1)
        loss = F.nll_loss(prediction, targets)
        for i, param in enumerate(model.parameters()):
            param.grad = torch.sum(grad_list[i] * outputs.grad).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=param.device).view(param.shape)
        print(f"loss: {loss.item()}", end='\r')

def valid_test_2qubit(dataflow, split, model, device, qiskit=False, input_name = 'data', target_name = 'target'):
    target_all = []
    output_all = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        for feed_dict in dataflow[split]:
            inputs = feed_dict[input_name].to(device)
            targets = feed_dict[target_name].to(device)

            outputs = model(inputs, use_qiskit=qiskit)
            prediction = F.log_softmax(outputs, dim=1)

        target_all =, dim=0)
        output_all =, dim=0)

    _, indices = output_all.topk(1, dim=1)
    masks = indices.eq(target_all.view(-1, 1).expand_as(indices))
    size = target_all.shape[0]
    corrects = masks.sum().item()
    accuracy = corrects / size
    loss = F.nll_loss(output_all, target_all).item()

    print(f"{split} set accuracy: {accuracy}")
    print(f"{split} set loss: {loss}")

Train and valid the model on ibmq_quito. You need to import QiskitProcessor from torchquantum.plugin to create a processor that handles your access to real quantum computer. You can set whether use real quantum computer or qiskit’s noise model, and the backend of your quantum computer. Call model.set_qiskit_processor to attach the processor to your model.

[ ]:
from torchquantum.plugin import QiskitProcessor
model = Q2Model().to(device)
processor_real_qc = QiskitProcessor(use_real_qc=True, backend_name='ibmq_quito')

n_epochs = 5
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-2, weight_decay=1e-4)
scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=n_epochs)
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1):
    # train
    print(f"Epoch {epoch}:")
    train_2qubit(dataflow, model, device, optimizer, qiskit=True)
    # valid
    valid_test_2qubit(dataflow, 'valid', model, device, qiskit=True)
# test
valid_test_2qubit(dataflow, 'test', model, device, qiskit=True)

Epoch 1:
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/ UserWarning: This DataLoader will create 8 worker processes in total. Our suggested max number of worker in current system is 2, which is smaller than what this DataLoader is going to create. Please be aware that excessive worker creation might get DataLoader running slow or even freeze, lower the worker number to avoid potential slowness/freeze if necessary.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/qiskit/circuit/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.combine() method is being deprecated. Use the compose() method which is more flexible w.r.t circuit register compatibility.
  return self.combine(rhs)
[2022-03-02 05:03:08.183] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 05:03:08.472] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:07:04.863] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:07:04.885] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:10:45.202] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:10:45.220] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:16:00.892] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:16:00.912] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:19:42.755] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:19:42.778] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:23:10.114] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:23:10.137] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:24:51.741] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:24:51.767] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:28:21.188] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:28:21.242] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 09:32:01.063] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:32:01.088] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:35:51.696] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:35:51.770] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:45:21.062] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:45:21.132] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 09:55:17.874] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 09:55:17.901] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 10:05:40.990] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 10:05:41.011] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 11:46:53.672] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 11:46:53.694] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 11:56:33.439] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 11:56:33.463] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 12:07:13.294] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:07:13.314] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 12:16:33.349] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:16:33.373] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 12:20:43.430] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:20:43.499] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 12:30:34.169] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:30:34.252] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 12:36:42.971] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:36:42.991] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 12:40:23.251] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 12:40:23.276] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 13:08:24.755] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 13:08:24.779] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 13:54:44.675] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 13:54:44.696] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 13:58:23.983] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 13:58:24.006] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:09:04.009] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:09:04.079] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:12:44.205] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:12:44.226] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:16:23.556] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:16:23.577] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:20:04.063] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:20:04.083] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:23:44.058] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:23:44.151] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 14:28:15.393] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:28:15.414] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:32:06.613] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:32:06.637] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:42:25.762] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:42:25.783] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:52:56.361] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:52:56.387] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 14:53:56.366] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 14:53:56.393] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:05:35.743] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:05:35.783] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:15:45.472] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:15:45.492] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 15:17:24.834] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:17:24.852] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:27:16.382] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:27:16.405] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:29:50.433] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:29:50.458] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:31:56.050] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:31:56.072] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:34:26.703] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:34:26.724] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:36:45.595] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:36:45.618] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:39:15.354] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:39:15.378] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 15:48:56.005] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:48:56.029] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 15:50:45.708] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 15:50:45.727] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:00:26.978] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:00:27.000] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:02:36.243] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:02:36.269] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:03:16.094] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:03:16.115] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:05:05.797] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:05:05.822] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (19) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:06:56.090] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:06:56.113] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 16:16:36.369] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:16:36.393] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (23) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (23) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (23) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:18:26.440] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:18:26.463] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:20:26.218] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:20:26.243] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (22) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (22) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (22) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:27:16.190] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:27:16.210] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (21) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:29:16.272] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:29:16.334] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (20) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:39:15.345] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:39:15.370] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:41:15.622] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:41:15.646] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 16:43:36.314] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:43:36.340] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:46:06.862] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:46:06.887] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:48:25.597] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:48:25.616] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (15) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 16:50:56.397] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 16:50:56.425] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (14) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:02:46.871] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:02:46.896] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (18) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:13:13.351] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:13:13.373] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:13:58.825] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:13:58.849] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 17:15:47.488] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:15:47.510] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (17) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:17:15.990] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:17:16.099] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:27:06.069] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:27:06.092] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:37:17.048] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:37:17.073] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:39:06.751] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:39:06.776] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:48:56.162] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:48:56.180] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:51:16.778] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:51:16.803] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 17:53:46.496] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:53:46.519] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:56:06.057] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:56:06.081] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 17:58:36.793] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 17:58:36.819] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (16) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:02:55.920] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:02:55.945] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:04:46.666] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:04:46.690] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:05:26.258] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:05:26.308] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:06:07.303] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:06:07.331] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 18:07:44.036] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:07:44.058] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:09:19.642] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:09:19.667] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:18:56.005] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:18:56.026] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:28:46.057] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:28:46.083] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:38:27.342] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:38:27.410] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:48:35.734] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:48:35.756] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/ UserWarning: This DataLoader will create 8 worker processes in total. Our suggested max number of worker in current system is 2, which is smaller than what this DataLoader is going to create. Please be aware that excessive worker creation might get DataLoader running slow or even freeze, lower the worker number to avoid potential slowness/freeze if necessary.
[2022-03-02 18:51:06.781] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:51:06.812] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:53:27.365] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:53:27.445] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:55:46.501] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:55:46.526] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:58:16.855] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:58:16.883] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:58:56.647] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:58:56.674] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 18:59:49.658] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 18:59:49.680] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:03:20.134] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:03:20.161] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:04:56.306] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:04:56.332] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:05:36.655] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:05:36.681] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:09:06.636] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:09:06.657] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

valid set accuracy: 0.9494949494949495 valid set loss: 0.47831726414734255 Epoch 2: </pre>

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

valid set accuracy: 0.9494949494949495 valid set loss: 0.47831726414734255 Epoch 2: end{sphinxVerbatim}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

valid set accuracy: 0.9494949494949495 valid set loss: 0.47831726414734255 Epoch 2:

[2022-03-02 19:09:46.487] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:09:46.519] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:12:16.753] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:12:16.773] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:15:15.180] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:15:15.210] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:17:36.772] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:17:36.817] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (12) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:20:36.374] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:20:36.398] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:23:07.068] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:23:07.129] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:23:47.123] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:23:47.144] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:25:26.498] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:25:26.522] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 19:26:56.630] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:26:56.653] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:27:37.407] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:27:37.431] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:31:06.752] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:31:06.779] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:33:37.382] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:33:37.403] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:35:57.615] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:35:57.640] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:38:27.033] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:38:27.052] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:40:47.160] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:40:47.185] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 19:41:27.189] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:41:27.213] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (13) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:43:07.037] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:43:07.057] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:44:47.291] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:44:47.318] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (None) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (None) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (None) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:45:26.740] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:45:26.761] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:48:57.187] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:48:57.214] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:49:36.542] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:49:36.565] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:52:26.689] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:52:26.780] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 19:54:56.648] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:54:56.675] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:57:16.345] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:57:16.369] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 19:59:36.692] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 19:59:36.713] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:03:46.903] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:03:46.974] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:04:37.384] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:04:37.409] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:05:28.159] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:05:28.183] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:06:07.325] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
loss: 0.566702274514434
[2022-03-02 20:06:07.548] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:09:37.298] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:09:37.331] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:10:17.646] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:10:17.672] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:12:41.411] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:12:41.437] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:15:06.674] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:15:06.700] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:17:26.494] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:17:26.517] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:19:47.699] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:19:47.810] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:20:27.033] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:20:27.050] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 20:21:06.326] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:21:06.385] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:24:51.052] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:24:51.098] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:25:37.601] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:25:37.627] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:28:07.233] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:28:07.259] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:30:27.964] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:30:27.988] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:32:46.987] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:32:47.014] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:35:17.957] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:35:17.979] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 20:37:37.626] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:37:37.650] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:38:23.240] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:38:23.261] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:41:58.185] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:41:58.206] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:44:27.284] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:44:27.310] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:46:47.400] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:46:47.422] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:49:18.053] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:49:18.079] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:51:58.016] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:51:58.112] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
Job Status: job has successfully run
[2022-03-02 20:52:37.781] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:52:37.801] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:53:17.565] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:53:17.589] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:56:47.625] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:56:47.644] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:57:27.651] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:57:27.747] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 20:58:07.759] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 20:58:07.783] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}

Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run


Job Status: job is being validated Job Status: job is queued (11) Job Status: job is queued (1) Job Status: job is actively running Job Status: job has successfully run

[2022-03-02 21:02:36.724] Before transpile: {'depth': 5, 'size': 7, 'width': 4, 'n_single_gates': 4, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'ry': 3, 'rz': 1, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}
[2022-03-02 21:02:36.746] After transpile: {'depth': 9, 'size': 14, 'width': 7, 'n_single_gates': 11, 'n_two_gates': 1, 'n_three_more_gates': 0, 'n_gates_dict': {'sx': 5, 'rz': 6, 'cx': 1, 'measure': 2}}