On-chip Training of Quantum Neural Networks with parameter shift#

Authors: Zirui Li, Hanrui Wang

Use Colab to run this example: https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg

Referece: On-chip QNN: Towards Efficient On-Chip Training of Quantum Neural Networks


  1. Introduction to Parameter-Shift Rules.

  2. Train a model with parameter-shift rules.

  3. A simple 2 qubit model for a simple 2 classification task.

Introduction to Parameters Shift Rules#

In this tutorial, you can learn parameters shift rules and how to use parameters shift rules to calculate gradients and use the gradient to train the model.

Back Propagation#

Previously, our quantum model was based on qiskit and pytorch. Once we did an inference of the model, pytorch will automatically build a computaional graph. We can calculate the gradients of each node in the computational graph in a reversed order based on the chain rule. This is called back propagation.


Parameters Shift Rules#

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